
I have been reading this book called ‘U-Turn’ in my reading group, it is about this lady that has a big personality, she sometimes thinks shes right, her son always trys to stop his mom from doing the wrong things and always trys to remind her that she’s not always right.

One day at a library the son’s mum was asking for a discount but the librarian said they don’t give them, as the librarian said that mom yelled at the librarian saying that they do give discounts.

Mum keeped saying that they give discounts, mum said “You’ve given me one before!”, the librarian assured mum that they don’t give them discounts but mum didn’t belive her, she contiund to yell at the librarian until her son draged her by the arm out of there well she said “You just lost yourself a customer, lady.”, mum stomed her way to the car, she yell at her son to get in the car, They left the libaran.

I like the story very much and how the mum always thought that she was right!.