today we made ANZAC art and the things that we use was alot of things so we made shapes for the moon and tom stone and made it all black.

I learned about how you can leave a foot print online like if you are on youtube and other things it will go on your history or your search history.

When doing the anzac art I did not really put effort in the work I did that much because I did not know what to put in the art I did with the class so I just put this in.

The thing 1 And Thing 2 Book Charater Day

Today I learned about book charaters. Me and my friend dressed up as thing 1 and thing 2 because today is dress up day and we had to dress up as book characters that you now so me and my friend dressed up so everyone well some of us where dressed up as book charaters well the other people where in there school uniform. We all want to the hall and saw Aki Fukuoka an illustrator and one of the books she made was Billie B Brown and one of the people in my class was wearing a Billie B Brown costume. When we all came back I love how Aki Fukuoka asked people to come up and she will draw them.

Lizlee Visual Mihi

Today I learned about a visual mihi and what vaisual mihi is, is something that you like. What I liked about today was that we can put picture’s of what we liked about what we liked about it. When I was doing the visual mihi I put on what I liked about it so you can see that I put the samoan flag and put some more things on so I did learn alot of new things. When doing my visual mihi I started to like it because when I frist done it I did not feel very uncomfortable because I was left behind.

Precipitating Clouds

What I Learned

We learned about the water cycle and how it work’s. When water is like every where sometimes it can evaporation in to the air and form a cloud and it those this because the dorplets dont like to be together and they will go up for the cold air and that is called evaporation. When they go up into the cold air it will be to cold because of the atmosphere so it will form a cloud.

How To Do It

Step 1. We put water into the cup

Step 2. Then we put some shaving cream 

Step 3. Put 5 drops of food coloring 

Step 4 wait in till the food coloring comes


Making Lakes And Making Quakes


When I was reading the book I learned that scientist always look into the world and space and I want to learn more about why are they so interestined in space.

When reading the book the samera it said “Connected shows science, technology, and mathematics in the context of students’ everyday lives. The stories and articles are designed to appeal to students by reflecting their interests and experiences, expanding their knowledge and understanding, and engine their imagination.”

The book was about what scientists like and what they are interestined in like they are interestined in fossils and space,so the book says that scientists like modeling but not like fashion or the red carpit.



Baking For Anzac

We learned about baking and what we liked about it and why we liked about it so for me why I liked a about it was that it was my first time I ever baked and that I was never confident enough to make.When we where baking I can see that every one was having fun including me.

This is the ingredlents that we used and you can use it if you want because it is very delicious and refreshing so you can make this at home our you can show your friends so you can eat with them so have a go.



What I liked about learning about ANZAC was how the soldiers thinked about so many peoples future and lives.

We learned alot of facts about ANZAC and why we celebrat ANZAC.Me and my class are so grateful for the soldiers who risk there lives for peoples future.After the soldiers died poppys started to grow after the war was finshed and the place is on called ANZAC grove now and it is located in Turkey and learned about the yougest soldier was 8 years old.


What I learned about ANZAC is three things 1.The year it happend was 1915 and were it happend was at gallpoli 2.ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corp 3.We elebrate ANZAC because of the nz army.


Building a Smart Footprint Reputation With My Class

Building a Smart Footprint Reputation

Today I learned about building a smart footprint reputation and we learned about what dos building a smart footprint reputation mean and it meaned alot of things like haveing a positive reputation and other things so me and my class did this because we had to think what it meaned.




The tiger and samurai

The Tiger and Samurai

I had just found my cat and started to walk back to my house to do my homework but when I was I felt light headed when I started heading back but then I fall and just fall asleep but when I woke up I saw a man in weird cloths and when I looked around I noticed I was in a cave so when I stand up to look for my cat I started to walk away but the man put his sword against my nick and saidWhere do you think your going!”then I stop walking I felt like my life was on the line but when I was just about to run outside of the cave I could feel someone else in here so I slowly turned around but thankful the samurai was not looking at me but when I looked at what he was looking at there was a tiger in the darkness and could see its dark gray eyes.


When looking at the tigers eyes I started to feel sleepy and just fall asleep again,after some time I felt something furry so I woke up but I was not in the cave anymore but at a village so I looked on what I was sleeping on and it was the tiger and notice that there was no color just gray ever where,then the man I saw in the cave talking with one of the villager but they were talking in japanese,I was so confused,was I in japan,do I have magic,am I magic,I just was to confused.