Kawa Of Care- SmartLearner

Kia Ora & Happy New year!

We have been learning about how to take care of our CB/ChromeBooks, we’re learning about this because of how CB works since CBs are what we mostly use! I learned that when spilling your drink or something wet it will damage your wires in your CB! But! There are more stuff I learned well listening.

How to take care of CB

A)When eating or drinking don’t put it near your CBs or don’t put food and drinks near your CB.

B)Put your CB near a stafe place were no one can stand on it.

C)Remeber to not put your CB near the eage of your table.

D)When charging your CB make sure to be close to it and don’t put it on the floor or someone will trip over it when not looking.

E)Have fun well learning on your CB and keep up the good work!.

That’s somethings I have learned, some of my class has learned a little more and learned different things about using our CB, some others learned how to hold our CBs when carrying them, others learnd how to use there CBs when on there floor, there are still more things, I really liked learning about how to learn about Kawa of care and I would like to learn even more about these things, I would like to say have a good day!.

Thank you for reading my blog!

Project Money

Kia Ora!

I wanted to say thank you KPMG because of how you have helped my school and how you have helped us! You have helped us to aim high and to be determined in ower work!, I have learned so much from kat after she came here to ower school! What I have learned from her is how could money be in the past or in the futrue, learning about money and how you could spend it is very intresting because there are meany ways of spending it, saving it and getting it, a lot of us use it for food and clothes, most things that we have to survive with.

We learned that when you get older(when you turn 18*) you have to pay your own bills and that you have to take care of your own  responsibilities once you get older, you have a lot of responsibilties once you turn 18 and over since when you turn 18 you are basicly an adult.

But any ways! I would like to thank you KPMG that you have sent kat to teach us some new stuff that we havn’t known and like to say thank you for giving me a lot of information!.


I have been reading this book called ‘U-Turn’ in my reading group, it is about this lady that has a big personality, she sometimes thinks shes right, her son always trys to stop his mom from doing the wrong things and always trys to remind her that she’s not always right.

One day at a library the son’s mum was asking for a discount but the librarian said they don’t give them, as the librarian said that mom yelled at the librarian saying that they do give discounts.

Mum keeped saying that they give discounts, mum said “You’ve given me one before!”, the librarian assured mum that they don’t give them discounts but mum didn’t belive her, she contiund to yell at the librarian until her son draged her by the arm out of there well she said “You just lost yourself a customer, lady.”, mum stomed her way to the car, she yell at her son to get in the car, They left the libaran.

I like the story very much and how the mum always thought that she was right!.


I was reading a book for my reading group, a book named ‘words’ that has a lot of meanings in it. When I was reading it I could understand why it was called that, what I have learned from the book is that words can hurt like an arrow, words can mean a lot of things that could make you feel hurt, happy, angry, sad, confused and scared, a lot of people use words to hurt one another just to free their boredom. I like the book because it explains how people could say words that could hurt people, a lot of people get hurt just because of what people say about them. This book has a lot of meanings to it that I like about it.

I can see why people like to just ignore each other because of how these things you can say to each other could hurt really badly, the book said that he mocked him for telling his bully to shut up, when his bully mocked him he could feel water coming down his eyes, he turned red from embarrassment, moving on to the next they there teacher Mr Martin was calling out the roll, he ask for Callums name but when Callum said his name he said ‘Laccum’ instead of Callccum, everybody started laughing at him so Callum.

After that day Callum never bullied him again, every time he tried he would say “You’re hilarious, Laccum“.

A Sweet Business

For reading I read ‘A sweet business” and it talks  about bees, honey, how honey works and yeah. I learned that there is this bug call ‘Varroa Mites‘ that feed on bee laver, they leave a tiny hole in the bees skin that can get a virus easly and that can sperad easly and I also learned that honey can’t expire.

A guy name Martin reminded the kids that bee-keeping has an ongoing cost, the hives need protection from the varroa mites and know how they could harm the bees. And thats what I learn, I learn a lot of new things, and the school is Te Aro school in wellington! Martin said that they could have there own beehives but as long as they take care of it. All of the stuff you need to set up to have a beehive costs around five hundred dollars. Martin was eager to help the kids to get there own beehive so he helped them think about how they could get the stuff for the bee hive knowing its very expensive when buying it.

For the bees they eat stuff to, what the bees eat it kind of suprising because they eat ‘sugar syrup’. So this is what I have learned about reading my book call A sweet business, I really like the book becuase of how it explans how bees work and how they thinked about how they would pay for all the things they needed.

Should Every Dog’s Have Home’s?

Talofa Lava

I believe that we should not have a dogs in our homes because…

We will have to get more food meaning that we will have to do more work for more money for the food,we will have to clean after them and will have to lock the doors so they don’t have to run away from us.

If we don’t train them it will be hard because if we try to tell them to sit they will start to run everywhere and will start to bark everywhere so we will get a noise complaint and also if they have to go do it they’ll will do it on the floor the garden or on your bed. If we try to buy a dog you will find out it is to expensive to buy form the shop.

When we go on walks our dog will start to bark everywhere so people will get scared and will start to get angry at us.

If our dog gets to excited they will start to jump everywhere dand if a kids are around they will hurt the child becuse of him/her jumping everywhere, when they are to excited they will start to play up and go crazy.It will be hard to wash them because they will run around everywhere in the bathtub.

This is what I think about dogs I’m am not aginst it this is just my own opinion and I what I think so you can make your own choices if you want to get a dog.

Should Students Be Allowed To Listen To Music?

I’ve had been working on a google doc’s and was writing about “Should Students Be Allowed To Listen To Music?” and I belive that we should not listen to music in class because…

Sometimes When we listen to music we all start to sing and start to look for even more music on youtube or on spotify, when listening to music while doing our work we can’t think straight and we only do like one sentence or just do nothing not even a word.

Yes it gives us more time to think but sometimes we just don’t get it at all and sometimes we just focus more on the song unlike the work that we have to do.

we won’t get work done, sometimes we get a little overboard and start to dance and the reason why I know this is because my class does this and sings well listening to music,When the song ends we look for more music and it takes all our learning time and when we get the headphones we all start to fight and start to yell at each other for the headphones.

Rreaching Ower Goal’s

We are leaning to be determined and to achieve our goals, even the little goals that we have. Goal setting is achieveing your goals and to achieve your drems, achieveing your goals are imported in life. On ower school uniform it says “Be Determined Aim high!” and that means to aim high and to never give up.

We have been learning to achieve ower goals and to aim high in ower learning like reading, maths, writing and yea. When achieveing ower goals it makes us more confident in ower learning and ower sportsmanship, I want to achieve my goals, like I want to understand what I reading and to enjoy what I’m reading or for math’s I want to know my multplication and to learn my meters. In kiwi can we have also been talking about what goal setting is.

When it comes to achieveing your goals it takes a lot of time so just remember that you can’t achieve all your goals in just one go.

The Papakura Marae Trip

We went to the papakura marae and were spilt in to 3 teams , my one was pukekiwiriki. At the papakura mare all of the teams had 3 tasks one. was to bake mau rakau  two. was to make a wisel out of clay  three. was to listen so we can do the action.

When we did the first task we want into the kichen and started to put on these aprons , after puting on the aprons we went to the table and there was dough on there so we split to bake it and frie it so after frieing it we put them in a box to we can put them on the table. After doing all the task I did learn some thing.

I learned more about the maori words and the patterns like what they mean and what they represent.

STOP , Let’s Think

We learned about how words can hurt even online. This means we talked about what we should do when we someone says something mean online and how we don’t respond to them. We ignore their mean words and their mean behaviour.

Sometimes we get carried away with our emotions and we might say something mean too. I have to think of my behaviour. So we did this with Matua Aina. Matua Aina give a suggestion and give us some ideas.

S step away

T tell a trusted adult

O okay site first

P pause and think

So this is what I did for my work with Matua Aina , so I learned that I should always say positve , helpful and thougtful words.